c# - XmlSerializer property converter -

suppose have class can serialized/deserialized xmlserializer. so:

[xmlroot("objectsummary")] public class summary {      public string name {get;set;}      public string isvalid {get;set;} } 

we have xml so:

<objectsummary>    <name>some name</name>    <isvalid>y</isvalid> <objectsummary> 

using of boolean property isvalid instead of string property better decision, in case need add additional logic convert data string bool.

the simple , direct way solve problem use additional property , put conversion logic isvalid getter.

can suggest better decision? use type converter in attributes somehow or similar?

treat node custom type:

[xmlroot("objectsummary")] public class summary {     public string name {get;set;}     public boolyn isvalid {get;set;} } 

then implement ixmlserializable on custom type:

public class boolyn : ixmlserializable {     public bool value { get; set }      #region ixmlserializable members      public system.xml.schema.xmlschema getschema() {         return null;     }      public void readxml(system.xml.xmlreader reader) {         string str = reader.readstring();         reader.readendelement();          switch (str) {             case "y":                 this.value = true;                 break;             case "n":                 this.value = false;                 break;         }     }      public void writexml(system.xml.xmlwriter writer) {         string str = this.value ? "y" : "n";          writer.writestring(str);         writer.writeendelement();     }      #endregion } 

you can make custom class struct instead, , provide implicit conversions between , bool make more "transparent".


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