objective c - iPhone :UITableView CellAccessory Checkmark -

in iphone app on click of table view cell want display table view cell accessory type check mark on didselectrowatindexpath writing code

if(indexpath.row ==0) { [tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath].accessorytype=uitableviewcellaccessorycheckmark;  } 

and displaying check marks.

but in case wnt allow user check on cell @ time means if user select other row row should checked , checked should unchecked

how can achieve that?

keep track, in instance variable, of row checked. when user selects new row, first uncheck checked row, check new row , update instance variable.

here more detail. first add property keep track of checked row. it's easiest if nsindexpath.

@interface rootviewcontroller : uitableviewcontroller {     ...     nsindexpath* checkedindexpath;     ... }  ... @property (nonatomic, retain) nsindexpath* checkedindexpath; ...  @end 

in cellforrowatindexpath add following:

if([self.checkedindexpath isequal:indexpath]) {     cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorycheckmark; } else  {     cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorynone; } 

how code tableview:didselectrowatindexpath: depend on behavior want. if there must row checked, is, if user clicks on checked row use following:

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     // uncheck previous checked row     if(self.checkedindexpath)     {         uitableviewcell* uncheckcell = [tableview                      cellforrowatindexpath:self.checkedindexpath];         uncheckcell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorynone;     }     uitableviewcell* cell = [tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath];     cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorycheckmark;     self.checkedindexpath = indexpath; } 

if want allow user able uncheck row clicking on again use code:

- (void)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview didselectrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {     // uncheck previous checked row     if(self.checkedindexpath)     {         uitableviewcell* uncheckcell = [tableview                     cellforrowatindexpath:self.checkedindexpath];         uncheckcell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorynone;     }     if([self.checkedindexpath isequal:indexpath])     {         self.checkedindexpath = nil;     }     else     {         uitableviewcell* cell = [tableview cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath];         cell.accessorytype = uitableviewcellaccessorycheckmark;         self.checkedindexpath = indexpath;     } } 


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