objective c - Method implemented from delegate not triggered -

i have uiviewcontroller embedded in navigation controller , presented modally:

//uiviewcontroller authenticationcontroller *auth = [[authenticationcontroller alloc] init];  //uinavigationcontroller authrootcontroller *navcontroller = [[authrootcontroller alloc]                                          initwithrootviewcontroller:auth];  navcontroller.navigationbar.topitem.title = @"anmelden"; navcontroller.delegate = self;  [self presentmodalviewcontroller:navcontroller animated:yes]; release_safely(navcontroller); 

however there wrong delegate created within authrootcontroller class:

@protocol authrootcontrollerdelegate  @required -(void)authrootcontrollerdidend:(uinavigationcontroller *)sender;  @end  @interface authrootcontroller : uinavigationcontroller {     id<authrootcontrollerdelegate>  delegate; }  @property (nonatomic, assign) iboutlet id delegate;  @end 

and implementation:

@implementation authrootcontroller @synthesize delegate;  -(void)userdidcancelcontroller:(uinavigationcontroller *)sender{     if (self.delegate && [self.delegate conformstoprotocol:@protocol(authrootcontrollerdelegate)]) {         [self.delegate authrootcontrollerdidend:sender];     } }  @end 

when use method

-(void)authrootcontrollerdidend:(uinavigationcontroller *)sender 

it not triggered. ideas?

have declared delegate conforms authrootcontrollerdelegate? conformstoprotocol test looks @ whether delegate declares conformance, doesn't sort of method-by-method check. if you've implemented authrootcontrollerdidend: on delegate, conformstoprotocol can still return no.


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