webforms - ASP.NET site auto-login during development -

while developing asp.net site, way setup automatic login?

for example, each time build site , run it, have login again. don't want disable security entirely, automate process of logging in while i'm working on site.

just keep browser open , ctrl+f5 after modify and/or recompile in visual studio. keep authentication cookie.

another possibility setup automatic login page in test whether in debug mode , force login using formsauthentication.redirectfromloginpage("someusername", false);. instruct visual studio run web site @ url:

protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e) {     #if debug     formsauthentication.redirectfromloginpage("someusername", false);     #endif } 

ideally page should excluded build process , never shipped.

as pointed out in comments section @mufasa if site uses session might need use out of process mode (stateserver or sqlserver) instead of inproc because when recompile application domain reloaded , stored in memory lost.


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