flex - Camera.names not working in flash builder burrito -

im using camera class in mobile application , used camera.names fill list , tried pass selected value getcamera() method not working.here s code

private function init():void         {             if (camera.names.length == 0) {                  lab.text = "no camera attached";                 list.enabled = false;                 textarea.enabled = false;             }         }          protected function list_changehandler(event:indexchangeevent):void         {             var tlist:list = evt.currenttarget list;                             var cameraname:string = tlist.selectedindex.tostring();             camera = camera.getcamera(cameraname);             vid=new video();             vid.attachcamera(camera);             uic.addelement(vid ivisualelement);             textarea.text = objectutil.tostring(camera);         }  <s:list id="list"             dataprovider="{camera.names arraycollection}"             width="200"             change="list_change(event);" /> <s:group id="uic" x="68" y="253" width="368" height="281"> </s:group> 

when compiling air mobile, need make sure permissions placed in app xml file. in case, need give app permission access camera work.


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