.net - Will LINQ to SQL Pick Up Trigger Changes/Errors? -

i'm not knowledgeable scope of sql operations , how relate linq sql. if have trigger updates field in record after inserted, happens when insert new record using linq sql? given order of operations:

  1. create new "myobject" instance.
  2. assign myobject properties.
  3. insert record using linq sql.
  4. sql insert trigger updates property of record new value.

would step 5 be:

  1. "myobject" holds updated value.


  2. "myobject" holds original value assigned it.

and question given same steps 1-3:

4.. sql trigger throws error , rolls insert, similar this example.

would step 5 be:

  1. linq sql throws sql exception.


  2. ???

answers: 2 , 1

but it's worth testing because exception may depend on connection string params.


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