Requesting help troubleshooting PowerShell/MySQL connectivity -

i'm having trouble getting powershell talk mysql. frustrating part had been working stopped. have searched around , unfortunately of find "do these steps , works" there apparently getting in way in environment.

here information i'm running into: * windows 7
* powershell 2
* wamp running mysql 5 (mysql running , can run queries phpmyadmin)
* scripts used able run error out "cannot find type []"
* using sqlpsx ( connect before , i've reinstalled that
* have rebooted multiple times try clear things out
* running scripts administrator
* downloaded connector/net 6.3.6 again , reinstalled

i have no idea happened make stop working. have searched try resolved no luck , don't know else search for. if has ideas on can or diagnostics can run troubleshoot situation appreciate hearing them. thanks.

update perplexingly enough rebooted again today , powershell talking mysql again. :/ i'm still interested in hearing if has diagnostics can run pinpoint communication failure happening.

sounds you're missing drivers mysql. don't know why you'd missing them if working before, that's error sounds like.

have tried re-installing them?


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