is there a shorter way to call a function from the sub-namespace in jQuery? -

i'm writing function inside : index.fragment.singleentry, expect call function of index.fragment.singleentry.edittitle. instead of writing complete namespace of function, there shorter way call it?

i'm calling: index.fragment.singleentry.edittitle.load();

inside: index.fragment.singleentry.load

thanks in advance.

jquery.namespace("index.fragment.singleentry");  index.fragment.singleentry.load=function(vasid) { //================================================== // init gui components tinymce.init({     mode : "textareas",     theme : "simple",     width: "500",     height: "300"     //elements : "editcontentta" }); initeditcontrol(vasid);  index.fragment.singleentry.edittitle.load(); updategui_content();  //=================================================== 

index.fragment.singleentry.load= (function(singleentry) {  return function(vasid) { //================================================== // init gui components tinymce.init({     mode : "textareas",     theme : "simple",     width: "500",     height: "300"     //elements : "editcontentta" }); initeditcontrol(vasid);  singleentry.edittitle.load(); updategui_content();  ...  })(index.fragment.singleentry) 

wrap code in closure make variables local. return function.

alternatively can call this.edittable.load() since this in singleentry.load singleentry


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