jquery iframe src loading delay -

i have jquery modal on page[parent aspx]. div opens has iframe in it. set source on modal open function aspx page values parent aspx.

now other aspx page takes time display formatted results external datasource. hence modal window opens , user has wait before content loaded.

is possible display label wait or working or anyother gif till aspx page returns values.

edited add:-

function opendialog() {                                                             var url = "result.aspx?name=" + encodeuricomponent($("#<%=txtcity.clientid %>").val()) + "&type= " + encodeuricomponent($("#<%=txttype.clientid %>").val()) ;             $("#popup").attr("src", url);             $("#carmodal").dialog('open');         }     } 

my div below:

<div id="carmodal" >             <iframe id ="popup"  width ="100%" height="100%"></iframe> </div>  

in onload of result.aspx pass 2 values external service , map result gridview. takes time load. jquery popup comes without data loaded result.aspx on lad still working. return grid row values parent page , populate controls

usually in .ajax function can make hidden loading gif (display:none in css) appear , make hidden again success callback function. easier assist if paste of jquery code/aspx here.

also refer this post can give more information


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