- Merge two object lists in C# with LINQ -

i have 2 list<t>s both same type. there easy way merge 2 sets without looping though both sets , merging them third?


var myobject= new list<core.myobject>(); var myobject2= new list<core.myobject>();  if(!string.isnullorempty(txb.text)) {     var repository = servicelocator.current.getinstance<core.repositoryinterfaces.irepository>();     myobject= repository.getwherepostcodelike(txb.text).tolist(); }  if(!string.isnullorwhitespace(ddl.selectedvalue)) {     var repository = servicelocator.current.getinstance<core.repositoryinterfaces.irepository>();     myobject2= repository.getneartownx(ddllocations.selectedvalue).tolist(); } 

it have been nice able able use += on second, not allowed... ideas?

call concat (keeps duplicates) or union (skips duplicates) linq methods

ienumerable<myobject> third = list.concat(otherlist); 

to use union, you'll need override equals , gethashcode compare objects value. (or pass iequalitycomparer<myobject>)


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