c# - DetailsView Fields not Changing to Textboxes in Edit Mode -

i created detailsview programmatically , added button fire commands add, edit , delete.

here's event handler commands:

switch (e.commandname)             {                 case "add":                     dvspotlightlistdetails.changemode(detailsviewmode.insert);                     break;                 case "edit":                     dvspotlightlistdetails.changemode(detailsviewmode.edit);                     break;                 default:                      break;             } 

the add/insert commands changes fields on detailsview textboxes. when selecting edit command nothing happens.

i'm not familiar process of detailsview when made through code-behind i'm not sure missing.

see if helps: http://forums.asp.net/t/1249276.aspx/1 http://www.shotdev.com/aspnet/aspnet-vbnet-detailsview/aspnet-vbnet-detailsview-edit-update/


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