c# - How to use reflection to get extension method on generic type -

from various sources on teh interwebs i've gleaned following function:

public static nullable<t> tryparsenullable<t>(this nullable<t> t, string input) t : struct {     if (string.isnullorempty(input))         return default(t);      nullable<t> result = new nullable<t>();     try     {         iconvertible convertiblestring = (iconvertible)input;         result = new nullable<t>((t)convertiblestring.totype(typeof(t), cultureinfo.currentculture));     }     catch (invalidcastexception) { }     catch (formatexception) { }      return result; } 

i've made extension method, , works fine if call directly:

int? input = new int?().tryparsenullable("12345"); 

my problem occurs when try call using reflection within context of generic function. full of answers describing how methodinfo of generic methods , static methods, can't seem put these in right way.
i've correctly determined passed generic type generic type (nullable<>), want use reflection call tryparsenullable extension method on nullable<>:

public static t getvalue<t>(string name, t defaultvalue) {     string result = getsomestringvalue(name);     if (string.isnullorempty(result)) return defaultvalue;      try     {         if (typeof(t).isgenerictype && typeof(t).getgenerictypedefinition() == typeof(nullable<>))         {             methodinfo methodinfo;              //using tryparse() of underlying type works isn't way want             //-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------              nullableconverter nc = new nullableconverter(typeof(t));             type t = nc.underlyingtype;              methodinfo = t.getmethod("tryparse", bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static, type.defaultbinder, new[] { typeof(string), t.makebyreftype() }, null);             if (methodinfo != null)             {                 var inputparameters = new object[] { result, null };                 methodinfo.invoke(null, inputparameters);                 return (t) inputparameters[1];             }              //start of problem area             //-------------------------              type ttype = typeof(t);              //this works undesirable (due reference class containing static method):             methodinfo = typeof(parentextensionsclass).getmethod("tryparsenullable", bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static);             if (methodinfo != null)                 console.writeline(methodinfo);              //standard way of getting static method, doesn't work (getmethod() returns null):             methodinfo = ttype.getmethod("tryparsenullable", bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static);             if (methodinfo != null)                 console.writeline(methodinfo);              //jon skeet's advised method, doesn't work in case (again getmethod() returns null):             //(see footnote link answer)             methodinfo = ttype.getmethod("tryparsenullable");             methodinfo = methodinfo.makegenericmethod(ttype);             if (methodinfo != null)                 console.writeline(methodinfo);              //another random attempt (also doesn't work):             methodinfo = ttype.getmethod("tryparsenullable", bindingflags.public | bindingflags.static, type.defaultbinder, new[] { typeof(string) }, null);             if (methodinfo != null)                 console.writeline(methodinfo);         }          // if far, not handling type yet         throw new argumentexception("the type " + defaultvalue.gettype() + " not yet supported getvalue<t>.", "t");     }     catch (exception e)     {         [snip]     } } 

can put me out of misery?
typeof(t) returns correct type info, figure maybe i'm using little incorrectly getmethod() call, or haven't specified right parameters call getmethod().

1. link referenced jon skeet answer

the problem extension methods don't modify type 'extending'. happens behind scenes compiler transparently translates calls seem made on object in question calls static method.


int? input = new int?().tryparsenullable("12345"); // becomes... int? input = yourclass.tryparsenullable(new int?(), "12345"); 

from there becomes obvious why it's not showing via reflection. explains why have have using directive namespace yourclass defined extension methods visible compiler. how can @ information, i'm not sure there way, short of running on declared types (perhaps filtered list of interesting classes, if know sort of information @ compile time) looking static methods extensionmethodattribute ([extensionmethod]) defined on them, trying parse methodinfo parameter list work out if work on nullable<>.


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