Changing MongoDB data store directory -

until have not been specifying mongodb data directory , have had 1 30 gb primary partition.

i ran out of space , added new hard disk. how can transfer data (that apparently in /var/lib/mongodb/) , configure mongodb runs off of new disk without affecting existing installation?

the short answer --dbpath parameter in mongodb allow control directory mongodb reads , writes it's data from.

mongod --dbpath /usr/local/mongodb-data

would start mongodb , put files in /usr/local/mongodb-data.

depending on distribution , mongodb installation, can configure mongod.conf file automatically:

# store data in /usr/local/var/mongodb instead of default /data/db dbpath = /usr/local/var/mongodb 

the official 10gen linux packages (ubuntu/debian or centos/fedora) ship basic configuration file placed in /etc/mongodb.conf, , mongodb service reads when starts up. make change here.


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