Elegant Asp.Net MVC 3 custom membership wrapper class with extended (custom) methods and properties -

i attempting write custom membership class. seems work ok inhering membership class , providing functions included required items (validate user, create user, delete user, isapproved, etc).

however, run problem when try add properties or methods.

as other properties , methods public override classes in sealed class, additional properties not show up.

say example (example only, not "real" code):

public sealed class membership : membershipprovider {     public override string applicationname     {                 {             return "myapp";         }     }     public string myvalue { get;set;} } 

now, understand why myvalue not show when try membership.myvalue membership.applicationname will.

my question is, how extend membership show custom items? ditch membership.xxx entirely , write wrapper class? if so, how? can find documentation in world on how create custom membership class. i've got working custom membership works fine if use available options only. i've got custom roles provider , custom config section store , it's best friend.

what don't have elegant solution.

i'd end result use 1 reference (such membership.xxx or myclass.xxxx) reference membership items + custom items.

please provide examples of how implement or links appropriate items resolve custom methods item.

any time reference membership instance have cast class type, that's all.


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