extjs: fieldset-change collapse icon -

how change expand/collapse icon of fieldset component? default it's inverted triangle arrow, want set "+"/"-"? use "itemcls"?


modify css of collapse button (in here background-position)

here css :

#plus-min.x-panel-collapsed .x-tool-toggle{     background-position: 0 -240px !important; /*the plus sign*/ } #plus-min .x-tool-toggle{     background-position: 0 -255px !important; /*the minus sign*/ } 

and fieldset :

new ext.form.formpanel({     renderto : document.body,     title : "asdasd",     items :[{             xtype:'fieldset',             title: 'plus minus',             collapsible: true,             id : "plus-min",             html : "asd",             height : 100         }] }); 


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