mysql - Optimal Query for a problem -

i have news table following:

create table `news` (   `title` varchar(255) not null,   `hash` char(40) not null,   primary key (`hash`) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8; 

and, votes table following:

create table `votes` (   `hash` char(40) not null,   `user_id` varchar(255) not null,   `vote_type` enum('up','down') default null,   primary key (`hash`) ) engine=innodb default charset=utf8; 

now want when user logged in-

this_is_a_title hash_12312312 null

this_is_a_title hash_12312313 up

this_is_a_title hash_12312314 null

this_is_a_title hash_12312315 down

can suggest optimal single query this?

i think question not clear. sorry that. null field meant new doesn't has vote casted user or anybody.

my version -

select news.*, votes.vote_type news  left outer join votes  on votes.`hash` = news.`hash`  , votes.`user_id` = # 

select * news join votes on news.hash = votes.hash votes.user_id = #; 

this select votes on news articles specific user id #. tables joined hash primary key. it's optimal given current configuration. add index user_id additional optimization.

note: since looking optimal, encourage not use left join. assuming news articles grow on time, using straight join limit result set votes user has cast. which, on average, should smaller. however, need compensate in logic - i.e. absence of news record means no vote versus null result.


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