ruby - Rails Installation Error -

i've been getting error after installing rvm , rails rvm. can me out?

/library/ruby/site/1.8/rubygems.rb:779:in report_activate_error': not find rubygem rails (>= 0) (gem::loaderror) /library/ruby/site/1.8/rubygems.rb:214:in activate' /library/ruby/site/1.8/rubygems.rb:1082:in `gem' /usr/bin/rails:18


couple of things at:

  • make sure rails indeed installed. i'm bringing point because mentioned installed rails rvm, inaccurate. install rubies rvm install rails bundler (you can see bundler rvm gems rather rubies). ensure have line says gem 'rails' in gemfile , run bundle install.

  • as pointed out other answers, make sure using right ruby , gemset (where installed rails gem). run rvm use <your_ruby>@<your_gemset>.


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