Sinatra render a ruby file -

how render ruby file (which in case returns pdf document) example:

 "/pdf"   @locals = {some_locals_hash}   headers({'content-type' => 'application/pdf',     'content-description' => 'file transfer',     'content-transfer-encoding' => 'binary',     'content-disposition' => "attachment;filename=\"test.pdf\"",     'expires' => '0',     'pragma' => 'public'})   ruby :test, :layout => false, :locals => @locals  end 

i know tilt not have ruby template. put content in *.haml file like:

 -# pdf file description  :ruby    pdf =      ... docs settings)      ... docs content    end  = pdf.render() 

and render haml :template ...etc...

truth is, need syntax highlighting, editor not highlight embedded ruby code in haml files :(. if it's complicated don't bother...

i managed tilt template

module tilt   class rubytemplate < template     def prepare     end      def evaluate(scope, locals, &block)       super(scope, locals, &block)     end      def precompiled_template(locals)       data.to_str     end   end   register 'rb', rubytemplate end 

and helper method

helpers   def ruby(*args)      render(:rb, *args)    end end 

i't sure best way, @ least working :)


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