iphone - Writing file to secure server -

i'm trying write text file secure server .....

-(ibaction) startupload{     nslog(@"start upload");      nsstring *mystring = @"testtext";     nsurl *myurl = [nsurl urlwithstring:@"ftp://username:password@"];      nserror *error;      bool ok = [mystring writetourl:myurl atomically:no encoding:nsutf8stringencoding error:&error];      if (!ok) { // if not ok         nslog(@"error writing file @ %@, %@, %@",myurl,[error localizedfailurereason],[error localizeddescription]);     }  } 

... , error message ....

error writing file @ ftp://username:password@, (null), operation couldn’t completed. (cocoa error 518.)

all appreciated

i think ftp not supported nsurl,

take question: nsurl http:// works fine ftp:// not

also take one

upload photo arbitrary ftp iphone app


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