jsf 2 - JSF rendered question -

is el-parsing of children elements rendered="false" supposed evaluated? causing me alot of trouble null pointer exceptions , similar. looking @ following example:

<p:tab title="#{usercompetencecontroller.gettreename(3)}" rendered="#{!empty usercompetencecontroller.gettreename(3)}">   <xdin:competencetable id="competencebox3"                         profile="#{usercompetencecontroller.selectedprofile}"                         tree="#{usercompetencecontroller.getcompetencetree(3)}"                         maxheight="500px"/> </p:tab> 

the main issue (besides performance) xdin:competencetable not support null tree-attribute. gettreename(int index) returns null in case, , followed call getcompetencetree(3) returns null, though parent (p:tab) has rendered="false"

in short: xdin:competencetable parsed el though it's parent has rendered="false". why?

take @ jsf lifecylce below.

rendering last phase, , rendered="false" affects last phase, while errors in constructing component happen in first.

non-rendered components should in fact not during phases, looks though component not conform part of spec.

enter image description here


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