tinymce - new PloneFormGen Form Folder has Plain Text Format for Prologue and Epilogue -

when create new pfg form folder, prologue , epilogue textareas come default text format = plain text. intended?

if user's default text editor tinymce (both in /personalize_form , in portal_memberdata wysiwyg_editor), expect prologue , epilogue behave same new page content type, comes tinymce.

when @ products.ploneformgen-1.5.5 in content/form.py, textfield('formprologue') has default_content_type = zconf.atdocument.default_content_type, seem behave same way normal document content type.


this known issue due bad interaction between bug in archetypes , changes how mimetype determined in recent releases of tinymce. if you're on plone 4 can upgrade products.archetypes 1.6.6 or later fix (this archetypes release included in latest plone release, 4.0.5).


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