c# - What should I do to freeze parent's thread when custom MessageBox is launched? -

i've created custom messagebox using messageprompt coding4fun toolkit. problem occurs when run resetdata_click. expected after launching complexmessage.show rest of code inside resetdata_click stops executing while complexmessage open. occurred different. code executed @ once , doesn't matter user chose in complexmessage because

if (complexmessage.result)... 

is executed. should make complexmessage act system.windos.messagebox? means when messagebox called parent's thread waiting user's decision.

        private void resetdata_click(object sender, routedeventargs e)         {             complexmessage.show("you delete data", "are sure?", true);              if (complexmessage.result)             {                 datacontrol.datafilereset();             }         }   public class complexmessage     {         private static messageprompt messageprompt;         private static bool messageresult;          public static void show(string message, string title, bool vibrate)         {             if (!(!(messageprompt == null) && messageprompt.isopen))             {                 messageprompt = new messageprompt                 {                     title = title,                     message = message                 };                  messageprompt.completed += new eventhandler<popupeventargs<string, popupresult>>(messageprompt_completed);                 messageprompt.iscancelvisible = true;                 messageprompt.show();                 if (vibrate) { tools.vibratemessage(); }             }         }          static void messageprompt_completed(object sender, popupeventargs<string, popupresult> e)         {             if (!e.popupresult.equals(popupresult.cancelled))             {                 messageresult = true;             }             else             {                 messageresult = false;             }             ((messageprompt)sender).completed -= messageprompt_completed;         }          public static bool result         {             { return messageresult; }         }     } 

since displaying messagebox click event, running on ui thread, don't want freeze.

one option make complexmessage expose static event, fires in messageprompt_completed.

then in resetdata_click subscribe event prior calling complexmessage.show, , in event handler, depending on result, call datacontrol.datafilereset, , unsubscribe.

an alternative rethink making members of complexmessage static, , instead pass "action<bool> callback" parameter show method, store away in private member, , invoke callback in messageprompt_completed.


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