java - How to merge two sorted arrays into a sorted array? -

this asked of me in interview , solution provided:

public static int[] merge(int[] a, int[] b) {      int[] answer = new int[a.length + b.length];     int = 0, j = 0, k = 0;     while (i < a.length && j < b.length)     {         if (a[i] < b[j])         {             answer[k] = a[i];             i++;         }         else         {             answer[k] = b[j];             j++;         }         k++;     }      while (i < a.length)     {         answer[k] = a[i];         i++;         k++;     }      while (j < b.length)     {         answer[k] = b[j];         j++;         k++;     }      return answer; } 

is there more efficient way this?

edit: corrected length methods.

a minor improvement, after main loop, use system.arraycopy copy tail of either input array when end of other. won't change o(n) performance characteristics of solution, though.


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