android - How to store the "lastBuildDate" of an RSS feed -

i'm develloping android application has local database synchronizes whith online rss.

the issue i'm encountering follwoing: want store "lastbuilddate" of rss feed (i have date in string ready store) don't know best way store date after application got closed.

i'm thinking of creating new database whith lastbuilddate in sounds bit weird me, figured there might better more suitable solution store 1 string can access later.

so there way store in application (like preferences?) or should eventualy create database or file store date in?


you should create sharedpreference value case. im sure smart enough implement :)

sharedpreferences sp= this.getsharedpreferences("sharedp", mode_private); sharedpreferences.editor editor = sp.edit(); editor.putstring("lastbuild", date); editor.commit(); 


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