Change value of control on a form from class (C#) -

this should quite simple - not sure problem is.

i have c# class (public.cs) , windows form (form1.cs). through function in public.cs, want value of control on form1 (without having use object parameters).

// code appears in public.cs public string myfunction(int num_val) {   if (chk_num.checked == true)   {      // here...   } } 

the issue class cannot find control on form. there way must reference in c#?

thank you.

i suggest exposing checked property via specific property on form1 (perhaps more meaningful name). hide implementation details (i.e. control structure) of form1 it's caller , instead expose logic required other consumers job

for example:

public bool isnumberrequested {     { return chk_num.checked; } } 

or alternatively, if still want access control directly, designer can select control , change it's modifier property public (or else) enabling access control object using code wrote above.

edit: (response based on comment)

public.cs still need reference form1 , call isnumberrequested property of object.

// public.cs public class public {     private form1 _ui;      public public(form1 ui) { _ui = ui };      public string myfunction(int num_val)     {          if (_ui.isnumberrequested)          {               // stuff          }          // else, default stuff     } } 

alternatively, pass form parameter myfunction rather using instance variable.


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