database - How do I update two models with one form in Ruby on Rails? -

i have 2 models, page , pagecontent.

class page < activerecord::base   has_many :page_contents end  class pagecontent < activerecord::base   belongs_to :page end 

page has :css_design attribute, want able edit attribute pagecontent form. ideas?

i see lot of accepts_nested_attributes , fields_for advice, don't work, because seem forms either a. creating entire new instances of different model form (for example, creating tasks project form), or b. updating associated records thru parent. i want opposite- want update parent's record thru associated records.

any appreciated! many in advance!



i have added following pagecontent model:

def css_design     page ? page.css_design : nil   end    def css_design= (val)     if page       page.update_attribute 'css_design', val     else       @css_design = val     end   end    after_create :set_page_css_design_on_create   def set_page_css_design_on_create     self.css_design = @css_design if page && @css_design   end 

and have, in both create , update actions:

@page_content.update_attributes params[:page_content] 

but i'm getting:

nomethoderror (undefined method `css_design=' #<page:0x00000003a80338>):   app/models/page_content.rb:13:in `css_design='   app/controllers/page_contents_controller.rb:56:in `new'   app/controllers/page_contents_controller.rb:56:in `create' 

when go create page_content first time. copied , pasted stuff straight files, if see weird, please let me know!

update model following:

class pagecontent < activerecord::base   belongs_to :page   def css_design     page ? page.css_design : nil   end   def css_design= (val)     if page       page.update_attribute 'css_design', val     else       @css_design = val     end   end   after_create :set_page_css_design_on_create   def set_page_css_design_on_create     self.css_design = @css_design if page && @css_design   end end 

your form can display , update current page's value, though looks it's handling pagecontent:

<%= form_for @page_content |f| %>   ...   <%= f.text_field :css_design %>   ... <% end %> 

in controller, e.g.:

def update   ...   @page_content.update_attributes params[:page_content]   ... end 


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