How to use different resources in android app based on user settings? -

i working on application asks user specific settings @ start. example, first activity asks user:

use option?

-option a

-option b

now, after user selects option he/she use able change resources app uses. talking values/strings.xml have different strings different options of application.

for now, using option default 1 , put strings in default strings.xml file , option b shares same strings, expecting option b need few specific strings need define in file, cannot figure out way decide best approach this?

thanks in advance

edit: answer jkhouw1's question, option b change existing strings. if use string arrays resources, how able specify in layout.xml file , configured user chose on first activity? - translate in example:

if have textview want define text in layout.xml <textview android:text="@string/(key)" />

if use string arrays not common strings, how define android:text attribute view in layout.xml file depending on option user selects?


unfortunately, there doesn't seem way trying above currently.


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