iphone - How to determine if phone number has changed? -

currently developing authentication module application. user provides phone number , sms pin code send him.

the user enters code , if valid phone number authenticated. maybe know whatsapp, quite same when run app first time.

however if user puts new sim card in phone should authenticate again.

i want know how determine if phone number has changed. read in other question not possible determine phone number itself. e.g. whatsapp recognizes there phone number.

any ideas?

update 2

one (not best) way it's detecting carrier changing. here can see how carrier's name. save @ first launch , compare on next launches.

update 3

i'd recommend @ core telephony network reference , @ cttelephonynetworkinfo reference

subscribercellularproviderdidupdatenotifier allow respond on events such like:

... when user’s cellular provider information changes. occurs, example, if user swaps device’s sim card 1 provider, while application running


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