java - Focus on first cell in excel -

hssfworkbook wb = new hssfworkbook(new fileinputstream(file));  hssfsheet s = wb.getsheetat(0);  wb.setactivesheet(0); s.showinpane(0, 0); fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(file); wb.write(out); out.close();  

i using above code taking focus first cell (when open excel first cell shouldd selected). opening excel correctly because of showinpane, selecting first cell not working.

something this

hssfworkbook wb = new hssfworkbook(new fileinputstream(file)); hssfsheet s = wb.getsheetat(0); s.setactive(true); hssfrow row = s.getrow(0); hssfcell cell = row.getcell(0); cell.setasactivecell(); fileoutputstream out = new fileoutputstream(file); 


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