properties - How to determine class of Objective-C Property? -

ok, have property on class:

@interface myobject : nsobject {     myotherobject *someotherobject; }  @property (nonatomic, copy) myotherobject *someotherobject;  @end 

i'm trying create deserialize api response correct objects without explicitly defining class each api attribute maps to. so, there way me find out class property is, if it's nil? i'm looking method [myobject classforproperty:@"someotherobject"] return class object. note--i'm not looking iskindofclass: or class, won't work on nil value.

worst case, can manually define list of property classes, it'd nice if there built in way it.

ok, ended figuring out after coming across question: in objective-c determine if property int, float, double, nsstring, nsdate, nsnumber, etc

here's code:

@interface nsobject (properties)  + (class)classforproperty:(nsstring *)propertyname;  @end  #import <objc/runtime.h>  @implementation nsobject (properties)  + (class)classforproperty:(nsstring *)propertyname {     const char *attributes = property_getattributes(class_getproperty([self class], [propertyname utf8string]));     nsstring *attributesstring = [nsstring stringwithutf8string:attributes];     nsarray *parts = [attributesstring componentsseparatedbystring:@","];     nsstring *typestring = [[parts objectatindex:0] substringfromindex:1];      if ([typestring hasprefix:@"@"] && [typestring length] > 1) {         nsstring *name = [typestring substringwithrange:nsmakerange(2, [typestring length]-3)];         class theclass = nsclassfromstring(name);         return theclass;     }      return nil; }  @end 

it seems work pretty me, modifications welcome.


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