Silverlight datapager not firing load events -

here's problem:

i have datagrid bound collection of objects. 1 column contains id , need turn id user's name associated it. in datagrid, have template column contains textblock. textblock has loaded event take id, user, , set textblock text user's name.

<sdk:datagridtemplatecolumn width="auto" header="user">    <sdk:datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate  >       <datatemplate>          <textblock name="lbluser" height="25" margin="10"  loaded="lbluser_loaded" />       </datatemplate>    </sdk:datagridtemplatecolumn.celltemplate>  </sdk:datagridtemplatecolumn> 

everything works without datapager, add 1 fires loaded event first page. every page after contain results of first page. how work. on right track of this? there better way lookup ids in datagrid?

no not on right track this. loaded event fire once. why can not use binding , change bound data objects include full user name? data objects right rather making lot of work yourself.


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