uiwebview - How to extract text contents from html like Read it later or InstaPaper Iphone app? -

i want extract main article content html on iphone app , show on textview or coretext.

read later , instapaper iphone apps have feature, after researching on web, still can't tell how this.

at moment, take text content html code, takes lots of no need contents too.

textarticle = [webview stringbyevaluatingjavascriptfromstring:@"document.body.innertext"]; 

this question wanted, sadly not iphone app.
instapaper-like algorithm

this open source kind of feature, not sure if can use iphone app. https://github.com/jiminoc/goose/wiki

it seems smartr provided api before, not available now. http://smartrmobi.blogspot.com/2011/02/smartr-api-withdrawn-until-further.html

maybe, easiest way article content xml element, guess.

i know start i'd appreciate suggestions.


after researching, seems can use api extract text contents web. means need access webpage after got url , render result again.

it slower using js script showed above because needs access web api read later , instapaper both using approach guess.

the followings web api found far.


this api has nice feature combines multi-page articles one. using api because of feature other api not have.


great thing can buy script , set on own server.


it seems apps use "readability" or "instapaper" or "google" mobilizer parse text contents web.

among them, favorite "readability" parser @ moment, since doesn't come advertisement instapaper parser. (nothing wrong putting ads cover server cost though)

pocket provides article parser developers creating pocket integrated apps.


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