visual studio 2005 - How to improve link performance for a large C++ application in VS2005 -

we have large c++ application composed of 60 projects in visual studio 2005. takes 7 minutes link in release mode , try reduce time. there tips improving link time?

most of projects compile static libraries, makes testing easier since each 1 has set of associated unit tests. seems use of static libraries prevents vs2005 using incremental linking, incremental linking turned on full link every time.

would using dlls sub projects make difference? don't want go through headers , add macros export symbols (even using script) if reduce 7 minute link time consider it.

for reason using nmake command line faster , linking same application on linux (with gcc) faster.

  • visual studio ide 7 minutes
  • visual c++ using nmake command line - 5 minutes
  • gcc on linux 34 seconds

if you're using /gl flag enable whole program optimization (wpo) or /ltcg flag enable link time code generation, turning them off improve link times significantly, @ expense of optimizations.

also, if you're using /z7 flag put debug symbols in .obj files, static libraries huge. using /zi create separate .pdb files might if prevents linker reading of debug symbols disk. i'm not sure if because have not benchmarked it.


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