c# - Understanding Entity Framework 4.1 Conventions -

are there decent articles online explain in detail how conventions work in ef 4.1? there article linked scott gu's blog, dated 2010, think in ctp 4. not sure if conventions have beem modified since then. don't understand how works. example how know use table skilltype if have code (what for?):

public dbset<skilltype> skilltypes { get; set; } 

this 1 of confusions, there foreign keys, primary keys, etc. need familiarise myself these conventions goof articles can read please let me know. did google , couldn't solid , concrete.

there no real walkthrough. can find basic description of conventions in msdn. my answer on msdn forum posts links conventions.

there big change in conventions since ctp5. first of cannot add custom conventions more - feature removed final version. if define dbset in example not job convention define table. there mechanism (probably using reflection) finds defined sets in contexts , starts mapping generation.


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