COBOL Question - UNICODE -

we looking convert our legacy cobol code ansii unicode have come across problem changing pic x fields pic n , setting nsymbol(national) cause problems when data structures contain redefines or rename statement elementary data items using pic 9 fields.

01 ws-record pic n(26). 01 ws-record-1 redefines ws-record. 02 ws-num pic 9(6). 02 ws-data pic n(20).  move n"123456abcdefghijklm" ws-record. 

in above string being moved in utf-16 format, therefore field ws-num corrupt contain x"310032003300" invalid numeric, ws-data contain x"3400350036004100..etc

the question is, when using national (utf-16) data types how can numerics handled correct data after has been redefined.

i can sort of work doing following invalid data in other ws-record.

move 123456 ws-num. move n"abcdefghijklm" ws_data. 

the above correct, if examine ws-record see ???abcdefghijklm ??? x"313233343536" in hexi-decimal.

our problem have multiple data records depending on record type identifier, use redefines on many of our linkage items.

has had experience moving legacy ascii unicode?

02 ws-num pic 9(6) usage national. 

should work (at least on ibm compilers).


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