deployment - Forcing deploy/loading of a .Net "linked-list" referenced assembly -

multiple times problem has haunted me, , sorry if title not clear, hard succinctly explain mean.

i'm building application uses nhibernate , sqlite. since want able change implementation of datalayer i've separated nhibernate , sqlite assembly, references nhibernate , copy local set true.

the problem isn't deployed test-directory. exception "the requested provider ... ", when reference directly in test-project works fine.

i've tried old trick creating static class private methods references type in assembly, works nhibernate.bytecode, seemingly not!

internal sealed class forceload {      /// <summary>     /// method required statically refer nhibernate.bytecode.castle otherwise dynamically loaded,     /// , not copied when publishing project. should never called. :)     /// </summary>     public static void ensurebyteproxyassemblyisloaded()     {         proxyfactory factory = new nhibernate.bytecode.castle.proxyfactory();     }      public static void ensuresystemdatasqliteisloaded()     { conn = new sqliteconnection();     } } 

i'd rather not reference directly in projects...


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