git - ssh_exchange_identification -

my windows 7 system cygwin behind corporate firewall, installed corkscrew , config file reads

user git     hostname     port 443     proxycommand /d/cygwin/bin/corkscrew http://x.x.x.x 80 %h %p /c/users/ad cd/.ssh/id_rsa. 

but when git clone ssh://, error

cloning rails... ssh_exchange_identification: connection closed remote host fatal: remote end hung unexpectedly 

there few problems corkscrew config.

the first problem (and real problem) first argument corkscrew should hostname, not uri. drop http:// prefix. second argument lets corkscrew know proxy on port 80.

another problem corkscrew uses username:password authfile authorizing proxy, not rsa key. last argument rsa private key, not authfile.

other that, rsa public key not registered github.


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