c++ - CUDA statically allocating data on device -

i've been trying allocate variable can accessed each kernel function. attempt code attached below, won't compile cause darray can't viewed accessed kernel. in c++ place variable @ top or declare static accessed in every scope through out program.

__global__ void storethreadnumber() {     darray[threadidx.x] = threadidx.x; }  int main( int argc, char** argv) {     unsigned __int8 array[16] = { 0 };     unsigned __int8 darray[16];      for( __int8 position = 0; position < 16; position++)         cout << array[position] << " ";     cout << endl;      cudamalloc((void**) darray, 16*sizeof(__int8));     cudamemcpy( darray, array, 16*sizeof(__int8), cudamemcpyhosttodevice);      storethreadnumber<<<1, 16>>>();      cudamemcpy( array, darray, 16*sizeof(__int8), cudamemcpydevicetohost);      for( __int8 position = 0; position < 16; position++)         cout << array[position] << " ";     cout << endl;      cudafree(darray); } 

you can have global variables in cuda, of type __device__ or __constant__. so, example, if initialize __constant__ pointer variable address of device pointer using cudamemcpytosymbol(), can access pointer via __constant__ variable:

__constant__ int* darrayptr;  __global__ void storethreadnumber() {     darrayptr[threadidx.x] = threadidx.x; } 

just make sure correctly initialize darrayptr host code before run kernel.


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