c# - How to use a custom Resource provider with Attributes? -

how can use custom method retrieve string resources , use on properties? example:

public class friend {     [required(errormessage = "invalid name")]     [display(name = "friend's name")]     public string name { get; set; } } 

the default resource provider (if set resourcetype/errormessageresourcetype) class public property, resource files doesn't have generated class, plain xml.

i have method resourcehelper.get(key) returns value expect. how can change use way of retrieving resources?

here few different ways try in case. fourth approach sounds promising.


approaches solve problem: 
  • writing custom build provider, compiles resources database.
  • creating dynamic object, transforms property name key resource manager.
  • extending attributes of data annotations.
  • using t4 template generating class containing resources.


  • for question regarding dynamic object

in order that, have create friend object dynamically. means inheriting friend dynamicobject class , implementing trygetmember() , trysetmember(). these properties internally works on resource objects "httpcontext.getlocalresourceobject" , let create dynamic friend class localized properties. after that, need implement custom modelbinder use wrap around it.

this guy found better work around that:- mvc3 modelbinder dynamicobject


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