c# - showing confirmation alert message when tinymce while moving more page to another page -

i have few web user controls in using tinymce extender editor.. , calling control in 1 aspx file on different different btn click.

i want, when edit mode , changing text in editor , without saving if leave page must ask , show confirmation alert msg want save text.

how it.

on ascx file


                    <asp:textbox id="txbdiag" textmode="multiline" runat="server" width="100%" height="100px"></asp:textbox>                     <acr3s:tinymceextender runat="server" id="tinymceextender4" targetcontrolid="txbdiag" theme="full">                     </acr3s:tinymceextender>                                         </td> 

extender calling is

using system; using system.collections.generic; using system.linq; using system.web; using system.web.ui; using system.componentmodel; using system.web.ui.webcontrols; using system.globalization;

[assembly: webresource(newcasewizardbal.tinymceextender.supportscript, "text/javascript")]

namespace newcasewizardbal { [targetcontroltype(typeof(textbox))] public class tinymceextender : extendercontrol {

    internal const string supportscript = "newcasewizardbal.tinymcesupport.js";      private tinymcetheme _theme = tinymcetheme.limited;      private string gettheme()     {         switch (theme)         {             case tinymcetheme.limited:                 return "limited";             case tinymcetheme.full:                 return "special";             case tinymcetheme.fullwithimage:                 return "specialwithimage";             default:                 return "";         }     }     [defaultvalue(tinymcetheme.limited)]     public tinymcetheme theme     {         { return _theme; }         set { _theme = value; }     }     protected override ienumerable<scriptdescriptor> getscriptdescriptors(control targetcontrol)     {         return null;     }      protected override ienumerable<scriptreference> getscriptreferences()     {         return null;     }       protected override void onprerender(system.eventargs e)     {         base.onprerender(e);         control targetcontrol = findcontrol(targetcontrolid);                     scriptmanager.registerclientscriptinclude(page, typeof(tinymceextender), "include_tiny_mce", resolveclienturl("~/scripts/tiny_mce/tiny_mce.js"));         scriptmanager.registerclientscriptresource(page, typeof(tinymceextender), supportscript);         scriptmanager.registerclientscriptblock(this, typeof(tinymceextender), "init" + targetcontrol.clientid, string.format(cultureinfo.invariantculture, "inittinymce ('{0}', '{1}');", targetcontrol.clientid, gettheme()), true);      }  }  public enum tinymcetheme {     limited,     full,     fullwithimage } 


i can't write onclient event because calling masking script onclient click

so how of jquery or java script

i using autosave plugin not showing alert msg

do need change in tiny_mce.js

please me show confirmation alert box ask "do want save changes"

you can use client-side window.confirm() call or onclientclick function, like

<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="button" onclientclick="javascript:return  window.confirm('are sure submit test?');" onclick="button1_click" /> 

and in code-behind:

protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) {   response.redirect("nextpage.aspx"); } 


<script type="text/javascript">   function finalfunction ()   {     return window.confirm('are sure submit test?');   } </script> 

and call function contains both scripts:

<asp:button id="button1" runat="server" text="button" onclientclick="javascript:finalfunction();" onclick="button1_click" /> 


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