Try/except database query in django -

i checking user's submitted email address against 2 lists database -- list of authorized domains , list of authorized email addresses. currently, if neither found, rainsing doesnotexist exception. how handle if neither found?

here code have in --

def register(request):     if request.method == 'post':         form = userform(         if form.is_valid():             cd = form.cleaned_data             try:                 email_list = emaillist.objects.get(domain=(cd['email'].split('@')[1]))             except:                 email_list = emaillist.objects.get(email=cd['email'])             #  need except if neither works validator.             network= network.objects.get(             user.objects.create(name=cd['name'], email=cd['email'], network=network)             return httpresponseredirect ('/user/view/')     else:         form = userform()     return render_to_response('register.html',{'form':form}, context_instance = requestcontext(request)) 

you can nest try/except:

        try:             email_list = emaillist.objects.get(domain=(cd['email'].split('@')[1]))         except:             try:                 email_list = emaillist.objects.get(email=cd['email'])             except:        else 

if using these try/except simple test, it's worthwhile wrap try/except:

def get_or_none(model, **kwargs):     try:         return model.objects.get(**kwargs)     except model.doesnotexist:         return none 

which gives more readable code:

if get_or_none(emaillist, domain=''): elif get_or_none(emaillist, domain=''): else: 

as ignacio mentioned in answer should explicit , catch exceptions intend.


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