wpf controls - WPF repaint issue -

i having issue repaint of wpf control.

the wpf control added elementhost.child windows form.

when windows 7 goes powersave mode , brought normal (by moving mouse or key press on keyboard), rest of windows form controls repainted, wpf part not repainted(and win 7 background visible in area).

on minimize , maximise of application, wpf part repainted.

anyone has idea problem?

the solution issue provided in msdn magazine while back. shows how can make wpf applications "power-aware" i.e. respond power notifications. it's amazing article , "must-read".

check link: make wpf apps power-aware

you can browse source code online or download here: code poweraware

technologies used:

  • wpf
  • .net framework 3.0
  • windows vista / windows xp


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