delphi - How to get the highlighted item from the desktop or Windows Explorer with syslistview32? -

how might i, using delphi , syslistview32, highlighted item desktop or windows explorer?

i'm not sure mean item, posted here how focused item text. it's more complicated task because list view messages can't fill buffer between processes, need pass through virtual memory pages allocated in foreign process. principle same kind of manipulation foreign items directly. i'm not familiar process memory allocation; useful edit appreciated.

note: code below has been tested on 32 bit windows xp

function getfocuseditemtext(const lvhandle: hwnd): string; var size: cardinal;     process: thandle;     processid: dword;     memlocal: pointer;     memremote: pointer;     numbytes: cardinal;     itemindex: integer;  begin   result := '';    itemindex := sendmessage(lvhandle, lvm_getnextitem, -1, lvni_selected);    getwindowthreadprocessid(lvhandle, @processid);   process := openprocess(process_vm_operation or process_vm_read or process_vm_write, false, processid);    if (itemindex <> -1) , (process <> 0)   try     size := sizeof(tlvitem) + sizeof(char) * max_path + 1;     memlocal := virtualalloc(nil, size, mem_reserve or mem_commit, page_readwrite);     memremote := virtualallocex(process, nil, size, mem_reserve or mem_commit, page_readwrite);      if assigned(memlocal) , assigned(memremote)       try         zeromemory(memlocal, sizeof(tlvitem));          plvitem(memlocal)^           begin             mask := lvif_text;             iitem := itemindex;             psztext := lptstr(cardinal(memremote) + cardinal(sizeof(tlvitem)));             cchtextmax := max_path;           end;          numbytes := 0;          if writeprocessmemory(process, memremote, memlocal, size, numbytes)           if sendmessage(lvhandle, lvm_getitem, 0, lparam(memremote)) <> 0             if readprocessmemory(process, memremote, memlocal, size, numbytes)               result := string(pchar(cardinal(memlocal) + cardinal(sizeof(tlvitem))));        except on e: exception         showmessage('something bad happened :(' + slinebreak + e.message);       end;      if assigned(memremote)       virtualfreeex(process, memremote, 0, mem_release);      if assigned(memlocal)       virtualfree(memlocal, 0, mem_release);        closehandle(process);   end; end; 

and here's how call; pass handle , you'll item's text

procedure tform1.button1click(sender: tobject); var s: string; begin   s := getitemtext(123456);    if s <> ''     showmessage(s); end; 


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