iphone - How can I call objective-c code from within an html file in a UIWebView? -

so know type of thing achieved in java using jsp files, wondering how can mix code , html inside ios view. reason need have (local) html content being loaded uiwebview, , if click on html button, need fire ibaction example, , stuff locally.

is possible in xcode? missing?

you can not have objective-c code mixed html file runs locally on uiwebview. said, there workarounds may fit needs.

one i've used, have html link custom url, , detect on appropriate method in uiwebview delegate class, follows:

- (bool)webview:(uiwebview *)webview shouldstartloadwithrequest:(nsurlrequest *)request navigationtype:(uiwebviewnavigationtype)navigationtype 

in method, check url schema created means of checking request parameter, , decide selector code on objective-c code.


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