java - Error on customers computer -

i have java client server program works fine on half dozen computere causing negativearraysizeexception on site.

this code

location = message.indexof("last"); location += 5; end = message.indexof('&', location); int size = end - location;  error line char[] lastc = new char[size]; message.getchars(location, location+size, lastc, 0); string firsts = new string(firstc); string lasts = new string(lastc); 

message xml message reading. location integer points the location of character in message, first name in case. size length of persons name.

as far can tell size being set negative number , don't know why.

does know how fix or better of finding length of name ?

this part of server side.

the trouble end less location. issue message expecting , 1 receiving; rest of logic works messages. check message string.


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