- How to change property of UserControl on PostBack? -

let's have page custom usercontrol (containing asp:literal , string property) , button. want change literal's text on button click, change control's string property in button clicked event. this:

//in aspx protected void button1_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     testcontrol.text = "triggered"; } 

the problem literal remains unchanged because page_load event fires first , creates custom control, button_clicked fires , changes property control created, nothing. control's code behind:

public partial class testcontrol : system.web.ui.usercontrol {     public string text { get; set; } }      protected void page_load(object sender, eventargs e)     {         lbltest.text = text;     } } 

i figured out if move logic in custom control page_load property setter change intended. this:

public string text { { return lbltest.text; } set { lbltest.text = value; } } 

is there other (better) way this? real problem involves more complicated controls described here, problems remains same: on postback properties set in event handlers ignored.

moving logic page_load page_prerender solved problem. properties set before logic executes. i'll wait other answers check if there better solution , if there drawbacks of using page_prerender.


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