c# - How can I filter for specific information from an EntityCollection? -

i'd display grade information each student in results variable.

the way database set is:

grade --- gradestudent --- student 

so each different year, have unique gradestudent record holding grade's id, , students id, year of record.

i used entity framework 4 orm, , i'd display grade name in datagridview each student.

private void btnsearch_click(object sender, eventargs e) {     studentrepository repo = new studentrepository();     var results =         repo.findallstudents().where(             s =>             s.name == txtsearchquery.text ||              s.lastnamefather == txtsearchquery.text ||             s.lastnamemother == txtsearchquery.text);      datagridview1.datasource = results.select(s => new     {         codigo = s.studentid,         nombre = s.lastnamefather + " " + s.lastnamemother + ", " + s.name,         sexo = s.sex,         telefono = s.telephone     }).tolist(); } 

if try following, can invoke entitycollection collection, since there can many gradestudent objects associated student. 1 each year.

so need grade in during x year.

do have suggestions on how accomplish this?

if understand question - looking grade object (via gradestudent middle table). if case, need create navigationproperty in ef model relate grade gradestudent(* - 1) , gradestudent student (0..1 - *).

as fetching data context, silverlight app using ria? if so, getstudentsquery method in service need include entities data returned student object.


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