mapping - What's the Entity Framework equivalent of NHibernate's References(x => x.ResidenceCountry).Column("ResidingInCountryId")? -

i have code:

class country {     public int countryid { get; set; }     public string countryname { get; set; } }   class employee {     public int employeeid { get; set; }     public string employeename { get; set; }     public int residingincountryid { get; set; }     public virtual country residencecountry { get; set; } } 

what should put on onmodelcreating? can navigate country's countryname employee

i'm quoting directly this blog posting ian nelson, think need:

here's how you’d rename foreign key on unidirectional one-to-many relationship in fluent nhibernate:

references(x => x.audioformat).column("audioformat"); 

whilst in entity framework code-first, equivalent is:

hasoptional(x => x.audioformat)       .withmany()        .isindependent()        .map(m => m.mapkey(a =>, "audioformat"));   


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