qt4 - Qt and multiscreen -

i have example application came qt (dialogs/standarddialogs) , modified displays dialog on every screen:

for(int i=0;i<app.desktop()->screencount();i++) {     dialog* dialog = new dialog(app.desktop()->screen(i));     dialog->show(); } return app.exec(); 

when testing on xnest on application default screen (the 1 application has been started) works ok. however, on other screen icons in message boxes not displayed correctly.

distorted icons

the problem can reproduced on both solaris , linux. however, when try xephyr instead of xnest problem disappears (on linux). on other hand not problem xnest on exceed problem can reproduced (but icons not displayed @ all).

has seen kind of problem? think might problem qt or configuration of x server? or maybe need compile qt special options?

it seems bug in qt x11 graphics system. if set qt_graphicssystem raster icons displayed properly.


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