iphone - App crashing on deleting a row -

my table used list rows core data. works fine, have used 2 types of data load on same table view. data types change on account of scope button change. 2 scope buttons 1 displays completed tasks while other displays pending taks. can search, update on table. while completed list of datas editable , can deleted, works fine , gives error such,

serious application error.  exception caught delegate of  nsfetchedresultscontroller during call -controllerdidchangecontent:.  *** - [nsmutablearray insertobject:atindex:]: index 4 beyond bounds empty array  userinfo (null) 

the fetch result controller initialised as,

- (nsfetchedresultscontroller *)fetchedresultscontrollerwithpredicate:(nspredicate *)predicate{  if (self.fetchedresultscontrol != nil) {     nslog(@"here outside");      return self.fetchedresultscontrol;  } 

the code load cell tableview :

   - (uitableviewcell *)tableview:(uitableview *)tableview cellforrowatindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath {  static nsstring *cellidentifier = @"cell";  customcell *cell =(customcell *) [tableview dequeuereusablecellwithidentifier:cellidentifier]; if (cell == nil) {     nsarray *toplevelobjects=[[nsbundle mainbundle] loadnibnamed:@"customcell" owner:nil options:nil];     (id currentobject in toplevelobjects) {         if([currentobject iskindofclass:[uitableviewcell class]]){             cell=(customcell *)currentobject;             break;         }     }  }  [self configurecell:cell atindexpath:indexpath]; return cell; 


and update method called nsfetchedresultscontrollerdelegate as;

- (void)controllerwillchangecontent:(nsfetchedresultscontroller *)controller { [self.listingtable beginupdates]; nslog(@"changed content"); }  - (void)controller:(nsfetchedresultscontroller *)controller didchangesection:(id <  nsfetchedresultssectioninfo>)sectioninfo        atindex:(nsuinteger)sectionindex forchangetype:(nsfetchedresultschangetype)type {  switch(type) {     case nsfetchedresultschangeinsert:         [self.listingtable insertsections:[nsindexset indexsetwithindex:sectionindex]                       withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];         break;      case nsfetchedresultschangedelete:         [self.listingtable deletesections:[nsindexset indexsetwithindex:sectionindex]                       withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];         break; } 


- (void)controller:(nsfetchedresultscontroller *)controller didchangeobject:(id)anobject    atindexpath:(nsindexpath *)indexpath forchangetype:(nsfetchedresultschangetype)type   newindexpath:(nsindexpath *)newindexpath { nslog(@"changed content switch case"); uitableview *tableview = self.listingtable;  switch(type) {      case nsfetchedresultschangeinsert:         [self.listingtable insertrowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:newindexpath]                          withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationtop];         break;      case nsfetchedresultschangedelete:         [self.listingtable deleterowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:indexpath]                          withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];         break;      case nsfetchedresultschangeupdate:         [self configurecell:(customcell *)[tableview  cellforrowatindexpath:indexpath]                 atindexpath:indexpath];          break;      case nsfetchedresultschangemove:       [self.listingtable deleterowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:indexpath]                          withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];         [self.listingtable insertrowsatindexpaths:[nsarray arraywithobject:newindexpath]                          withrowanimation:uitableviewrowanimationfade];         break; } }   - (void)controllerdidchangecontent:(nsfetchedresultscontroller *)controller { nslog(@"changed content"); [self.listingtable endupdates];  } 

i don't see obvious errors swapping out 2 logical tables in 1 tableview dangerous design because have careful tableview knows logical table has been changed.

the error getting suggest tableview configuring using 1 index of 1 logical table accessing array of second logical table shorter.

your immediate solution closely @ methods numberofsections , numberofrowsinsection make sure update when switched logical tables.

the best design solution use 2 separate tableviews own separate data source , swap them out needed.


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